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about us

The Greenup County Sheriff's Office is located on the back side of the Greenup County Courthouse, in downtown Greenup.  We serve our community though awareness campaigns, protecting our citizens, cooperation with other agencies in upholding the laws and virtues set forth by the Kentucky State Legislature, and always coming prepared with a smile and helping hand.  Our Sheriff and his deputies serve judicial notices, arrest warrants, and many other duties prescribed in KRS Statutes.  Our office serves as the central point for property tax collection in the county as well as vehicle inspections and more.


Frequently asked questions

  • Where do I get my car inspected and what do I need to bring with me?
    You may bring your vehicle to the Sheriff’s Department during the regular business hours. On certain occasions the Sheriff may send an inspector to your location if manpower permits. Onsite vehicle inspections require you to contact the Sheriff’s Dept. and schedule the inspection in advance. There is an inspector at the County Clerk’s Flatwoods Branch office every Tuesday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. You need the ORIGINAL TITLE and a VALID KENTUCKY OPERATORS LICENSE. Sheriff’s Department hours: M-F 9:00am till 4:30pm. Inspection $5.00 per vehicle. Onsite inspection $15.00. Payment can be made by cash or check. Make checks payable to: Greenup County Sheriff.
  • Why do I have to call the 911 dispatch for non emergency complaints when the Sheriff’s Office is open?
    All calls for service are now placed on a call log through the E-911 communications center. The logs are used for recording and reporting purposes. This will insure a better response time for first responders using a geo mapping system that went into effect when the communication center went online.
  • Why does it take so long for a Deputy Sheriff to respond to calls for service sometimes?
    The Greenup County Sheriff’s Office has 6 actual full time road units at the present time. There are a total of 13 sworn Deputies assigned to required stations. 4 Officers are Court Security Officers (CSO’s) required by Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for security of the Judges, AOC personnel and facilities. Our State Law the Kentucky Revised Statutes requires the Sheriff to provide this service to the courts. 1 Deputy is permanently assigned to the Greenup County Board of Education as a School Resource Officer (SRO) who’s required to provide services to the school system. 2 Deputies assigned to administrative detail. Since the inception of the E-911 Communications Center the Greenup County Sheriff’s Office now receives the majority of all Emergency and Non-Emergency calls for service that used to be split between our office and the Kentucky State Police (KSP). The Sheriff’s Office receives and responds to over 93% of all out of city calls for service. In addition to this the Deputies are often dispatched to calls within cities when their local city police are unable to respond. The population of Greenup County is well over 37,000 and coverage area is over 350 square miles. There is no less than 7400 people for each Deputy. Deputies respond to over 400 calls for service each month so you can see why calls are taken by priority. A Deputy in route to you may be redirected to another complaint of a more serious nature in effect pushing back response time. Deputies usually operate with calls stacked until the end of their shift.
  • Why doesn't the Sheriff hire more Deputies?
    All Sheriff’s Offices across the Commonwealth of Kentucky operate on a fee system by collecting property taxes. Therefore the Sheriff is limited on his funds due to his tax base. At the present time the tax base in Greenup County will not allow for the Sheriff’s Office or any other fee office to expand. In short a larger Sheriff’s Office will cost you more taxes.
  • Out of State and Federal Background Checks Fingerprinting
    As of December 9th, 2020 cardboard fingerprint cards for STATE and/or FBI background checks will no longer be accepted by the Kentucky State Police (KSP). Please see the Kentucky State Police (KSP) website for more information. Entity Requiring Fingerprinting/Background Checks The Greenup County Sheriff’s Office is used to receiving calls daily from individuals needing fingerprints for licensing, volunteer work, coaching, etc. If the entity requiring the fingerprint/background (EXAMPLES: Kentucky Real Estate License or Kentucky State Nursing License) is based in Kentucky the entity requiring the fingerprint/background check will need to set up an account with IDENTOGO. If, however, the requiring employer/licensing agent/school is OUTSIDE of Kentucky - the Greenup County Sheriff’s Office CAN do the fingerprint card.
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